Definition of Coffee bean

1. Noun. A seed of the coffee tree; ground to make coffee.

Exact synonyms: Coffee, Coffee Berry
Substance meronyms: Coffee, Java
Group relationships: Coffee, Coffee Tree
Generic synonyms: Seed

Definition of Coffee bean

1. Noun. The seed of a tropical plant of the genus ''Coffea''. Prepared by drying, roasting and grinding for making the beverage coffee. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Coffee Bean

coffee-ground vomit
coffee-table book
coffee bar
coffee bars
coffee bean
coffee beans
coffee berry
coffee blight
coffee break
coffee breaks
coffee cake
coffee can
coffee capuccino
coffee cream
coffee culture
coffee cup
coffee fern
coffee filter
coffee fungus

Literary usage of Coffee bean

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences by Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (U.S.) (1886)
"GYMNOCLADUS CANADENSIS: THE KENTUCKY coffee bean. This has been the subject of a research by DR. BARTHOLOW in the Laboratory of Experimental Therapeutics of ..."

2. All about Coffee by William Harrison Ukers (1922)
"The coffee bean with which the consumer is familiar is only a small part of the fruit. The fruit, which is the size of a small cherry, has, like the cherry, ..."

3. Pharmaceutical Journal by Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (1857)
"But it is proper to remark that the coffee-bean is liable to be rendered entirely worthless, without any injury to its structure, when kept in a wet or damp ..."

4. Journal of Economic Entomology by Entomological Society of America, American Association of Economic Entomologists (1908)
"Mentioned as "coffee-bean weevil," with the statement that It Is disposed to be ... 16, larva, pupa and adult of coffee-bean weevil, from Chittenden. ..."

5. Beverages and Their Adulteration: Origin, Composition, Manufacture, Natural by Harvey Washington Wiley (1919)
"The chief objectionable ingredient of the coffee bean is the alkaloid, caffein. The average quantity of caffein in the raw bean is a little over 1 percent. ..."

6. The Chemistry of Common Life by James Finlay Weir Johnston, Arthur Herbert Church (1880)
"Both of these are present in it in larger proportion than in the coffee-bean ; and hence, probably, the reason why the leaf is preferred ..."

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